Wen wir suchen

In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten unserer Arbeit haben wir viel darüber lernen dürfen, wie gesellschaftlicher Wandel vor sich geht und wie wir wirkungsvoll unseren Beitrag leisten können, ihn mit zu gestalten.

Wir suchen immer wieder talentierte Teammitglieder, die mit uns:

  • Social Entrepreneurs identifizieren und unterstützen, die durch ihre sozialen Innovationen die drängendsten gesellschaftlichen Probleme angehen,

  • nächste Generationen befähigen, ihr Potenzial als Changemaker zu entdecken,

  • die notwendigen Rahmenbedingungen für die Wertschätzung und Förderung sozialer Innovationen gesellschaftlich verändern,

  • Ashoka als Organisation weiter entwickeln und stärken.



Unabhängig von aktuellen Ausschreibungen werden immer wieder Menschen Teil des Teams, wenn sie unsere globalen Einstellungskriterien erfüllen (in Englisch):




Entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship

Cannot come to rest in life until the new pattern for society this person conceived and developed is the way things are routinely done. This requires a very long-term commitment, constant listening and adjusting, and relentless, realistic how-to thinking and passion for seeing their ideas come to life.

Social Care

Understanding and Belief in Everyone a Changemaker

Understands and believes the Everyone A Changemaker vision at a gut level. Has a broad and inquisitive intellect and a thinking pattern that connects the dots between historical trends and current social context. 

change mindset

Social and Emotional Intelligence

Ability to work efficiently and respectfully in teams. Understands how individual, groups, and societies work and engage effectively in savvy, subtle, honest ways.  

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Ethical Fiber

Exceptionally strong ethical behavior. Is self-reflective and has strong empathy skills. Trustworthy. 

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Assumes that changing the world in big ways and at least on a continental scale is what they will do in life. Naturally operates at this level and has developed appropriate skills and ways of thinking. Is not interested in small scale roles.

Ashoka's Hiring Process

Our “One Search” hiring process takes its form in the image of the “transformative and enlightening” experience required of our candidates for Fellows. Just as our applying Fellows embark on a graduating articulation of their narrative, our staff candidates engage in a series of conversations around their entrepreneurial inspiration, meeting with a selection of importantly diverse and similarly inspired Ashokans.

We have designed each conversation to expand upon the previous one(s), thus necessarily standing apart as an essential addition to the series. Paralleling our selection process for Fellows, the experience for our staff candidates operates, not as a means to an end, but rather as an empathetic intention in and of itself—an opportunity for a robust discussion, the sharpening of ideas, and the reward of personal growth.